Uso de BibTeX na Wiki

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Revisão de 20h07min de 17 de setembro de 2007 por Moecke (discussão | contribs) (→‎Exemplos de uso)
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Informações Bibliograficas em arquivos BibTeX

BibTeX é um formato de arquivo tipo texto, para organização de listagens de bibliografia, tais como artigos, livros, teses. Os arquivos de bibliografia na Wiki devem começar com <bibtex> e terminar com </bibtex>.

Cada entrada bibliografica pode conter um subconjunto das seguintes tipos:

  • abstract: Abstract (Resumo) do artigo.
  • address: Endereço da editora
  • annote: Possibilita a anotação de comentários na bibliografia
  • author: Nome do(s) autor(es) (no caso de mais de um autor, separados por and)
  • booktitle: Título do livro, se apenas uma parte dele é citada
  • chapter: Número do capítulo
  • crossref: The key of the cross-referenced entry
  • edition: A edição do livroThe edition of a book, long form (such as "first" or "second")
  • editor: O nome do(s) editor(es)
  • eprint: A specification of an electronic publication, often a preprint or a technical report
  • howpublished: How it was published, if the publishing method is nonstandard
  • institution: The institution that was involved in the publishing, but not necessarily the publisher
  • journal: The journal or magazine the work was published in
  • key: A hidden field used for specifying or overriding the alphabetical order of entries (when the "author" and "editor" fields are missing). Note that this is very different from the key (mentioned just after this list) that is used to cite or cross-reference the entry.
  • month: The month of publication (or, if unpublished, the month of creation)
  • note: Miscellaneous extra information
  • number: The "number" of a journal, magazine, or tech-report, if applicable. (Most publications have a "volume", but no "number" field.)
  • organization: The conference sponsor
  • pages: Page numbers, separated either by commas or double-hyphens
  • publisher: The publisher's name
  • school: The school where the thesis was written
  • series: The series of books the book was published in (e.g. "The Hardy Boys")
  • title: The title of the work
  • type: The type of tech-report, for example, "Research Note"
  • url: The WWW address
  • volume: The volume of a journal or multi-volume book
  • year: The year of publication (or, if unpublished, the year of creation)

In addition, each entry contains a key that is used to cite or cross-reference the entry. This key is the first item in a BibTeX entry, and is not part of any field.

Tipos de bibliografias

Bibliography entries included in a <bibtex> ... </bibtex> are split by types. The following types are understood by virtually all BibTeX styles:

An article from a journal or magazine.
Required fields: author, title, journal, year
Optional fields: volume, number, pages, month, note, key
A book with an explicit publisher.
Required fields: author/editor, title, publisher, year
Optional fields: volume, series, address, edition, month, note, key
A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution.
Required fields: title
Optional fields: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note, key
The same as inproceedings, included for Scribe (markup language) compatibility.
Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year
Optional fields: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address, month, note, key
A part of a book, which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages.
Required fields: author/editor, title, chapter/pages, publisher, year
Optional fields: volume, series, address, edition, month, note, key
A part of a book having its own title.
Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year
Optional fields: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address, month, note, key
An article in a conference proceedings.
Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year
Optional fields: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address, month, note, key
Technical documentation.
Required fields: title
Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note, key
A Master's thesis.
Required fields: author, title, school, year
Optional fields: address, month, note, key
For use when nothing else fits.
Required fields: none
Optional fields: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note, key
A Ph.D. thesis.
Required fields: author, title, school, year
Optional fields: address, month, note, key
The proceedings of a conference.
Required fields: title, year
Optional fields: editor, publisher, organization, address, month, note, key
A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series.
Required fields: author, title, institution, year
Optional fields: type, number, address, month, note, key
A document having an author and title, but not formally published.
Required fields: author, title, note
Optional fields: month, year, key

Exemplos de uso

Para inserir os dados BibTeX na Wiki, pode-se empregar dois modods diferentes. Os dados após o sinal = podem ser inseridos entre aspas duplas "dados", ou entre chaves {dados....},.

    author = "Shen Lin and Brian W. Kernighan",
    title = "An Effective Heuristic Algorithm for the Travelling-Salesman Problem",
    journal = "Operations Research",
    volume = "21",
    year = "1973",
    pages = "498-516"

Este exemplo será transformado através da Wiki no estilo abaixo:

<bibtex> @article{lin1973,

   author = "Shen Lin and Brian W. Kernighan",
   title = "An Effective Heuristic Algorithm for the Travelling-Salesman Problem",
   journal = "Operations Research",
   volume = "21",
   year = "1973",
   pages = "498-516"

A seguir um exemplo mais completo, incluindo o abstract do artigo.

<bibtex> @article{1276390,

author = {Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir},
title = {Seam carving for content-aware image resizing},
journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
abstract = {Effective resizing of images should not only use geometric constraints, but consider the image content as well. We present a simple image operator called seam carving that supports content-aware image resizing for both reduction and expansion. A seam is an optimal 8-connected path of pixels on a single image from top to bottom, or left to right, where optimality is defined by an image energy function. By repeatedly carving out or inserting seams in one direction we can change the aspect ratio of an image. By applying these operators in both directions we can retarget the image to a new size. The selection and order of seams protect the content of the image, as defined by the energy function. Seam carving can also be used for image content enhancement and object removal. We support various visual saliency measures for defining the energy of an image, and can also include user input to guide the process. By storing the order of seams in an image we create multi-size images, that are able to continuously change in real time to fit a given size.}
volume = {26},
number = {3},
year = {2007},
issn = {0730-0301},
pages = {10},
doi = {},
publisher = {ACM Press},
address = {New York, NY, USA},


Ajuda para editar o BibTeX

Se você não lembrar como usar os campos do BibTeX, utilize apenas os marcadores <bibtex></bibtex> , que o sistema irá fornecer uma conjunto de links de ajuda (em francês) para cada tipo de publicação.

<bibtex> </bibtex>