Processamento de Sinais Digitais

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CARGA HORÁRIA: 4 horas/semana = 80 horas.
PRÉ REQUISITOS: Microprocessadores e Aplicações , Sinais e Sistemas II , Análise de Circuitos III ,
UNIDADES CURRICULARES CLIENTES: Síntese de Sistemas de Telecomunicações, , ,


  • Compreender a representação de sinais discretos no domínio do tempo e no domínio da frequência;
  • Conhecer e aplicar a convolução e transformada Z;
  • Conhecer e aplicar as transformadas discreta e rápida de Fourier;
  • Projetar filtros digitais utilizando softwares como ferramenta de desenvolvimento.


Bases Tecnológicas

  • Análise no domínio do tempo, convolução;
  • Análise no domínio da frequência, Transformada Z;
  • Transformada discreta de Fourier, transformada rápida de Fourier;
  • Projeto de filtros digitais.

Referências Bibliográficas


<bibtex> @Book{Lathi:2006:SSL,

 author =       "B. P. (Bhagwandas Pannalal) Lathi",
 title =        "Sinais e Sistemas Lineares",
 publisher =    "Bookman",
 address =      {Porto Alegre},
 edition =      "2.ed",
 pages =        "856p."
 year =         "2007",
 ISBN =         "85-60031-13-8",
 ISBN-13 =      ,

} </bibtex>

<bibtex> @Book{Oppenhein:2010:SSI,

 author =       "A.V. Oppenhein; A.S.Wiillsky; H. Nawab",
 title =        "Sinais e Sistemas",
 publisher =    "Pearson",
 address =      {São Paulo},
 edition =      "2.ed",
 pages =        "592p."
 year =         "2010",
 ISBN =         "857605504X",
 ISBN-13 =      "9788576055044",

} </bibtex>

<bibtex> @book{Shenoi_2006, title={Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design}, volume={3}, url={}, abstractNote={A practical and accessible guide to understanding digital signal processing Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design was developed and fine-tuned from the authorʼs twenty-five years of experience teaching classes in digital signal processing. Following a step-by-step approach, students and professionals quickly master the fundamental concepts and applications of discrete-time signals and systems as well as the synthesis of these systems to meet specifications in the time and frequency domains. Striking the right balance between mathematical derivations and theory, the book features: Discrete-time signals and systems Linear difference equations Solutions by recursive algorithms Convolution Time and frequency domain analysis Discrete Fourier series Design of FIR and IIR filters Practical methods for hardware implementation A unique feature of this book is a complete chapter on the use of a MATLAB(r) tool, known as the FDA (Filter Design and Analysis) tool, to investigate the effect of finite word length and different formats of quantization, different realization structures, and different methods for filter design. This chapter contains material of practical importance that is not found in many books used in academic courses. It introduces students in digital signal processing to what they need to know to design digital systems using DSP chips currently available from industry. With its unique, classroom-tested approach, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design is the ideal text for students in electrical and electronic engineering, computer science, and applied mathematics, and an accessible introduction or refresher for engineers and scientists in the field. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available online from the Wiley editorial department. An Instructor Support FTP site is also available.}, number={3}, journal={Processing}, publisher={Wiley-Interscience}, author={Shenoi, B A}, year={2006}, pages={423}} </bibtex>


<bibtex> @Book{Diniz:2005:PDS,

 author =       "Paulo Sergio Ramirez Diniz,  Eduardo Antônio Barros da Silva, Sérgio Lima Netto",
 title =        "Processamento digital de sinais : projeto e análise de sistemas",
 publisher =    "Bookman",
 address =      {Porto Alegre},
 edition =      " ",
 pages =        "590p.",
 year =         "2004",
 ISBN =         "85-363-0418-9",
 ISBN-13 =      ,

} </bibtex>

<bibtex> @Book{Lathi:2005:LSS,

 author =       "B. P. (Bhagwandas Pannalal) Lathi",
 title =        "Linear systems and signals",
 publisher =    "Oxford University Press",
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 edition =      "2.ed",
 pages =        "xvi + 975",
 year =         "2005",
 ISBN =         "0-19-515833-4",
 ISBN-13 =      "978-0-19-515833-5",

} </bibtex>

<bibtex> @book{Oppenheim:1999:SS,

author = {A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky},
title = {Signal & Systems},
edition =      "2.ed",
year = {1999},
isbn = {0137549202},
publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ, EUA},
pages =        " ",


<bibtex> @book{Oppenheim:1997:DTSP,

author = {A.V. Oppenheim, R.W. Schafer, J.R. Buck},
title = {Discrete-Time Signal Processing},
edition =      "2.ed",
year = {1997},
isbn = {0-13-814757-4},
publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ, EUA},
pages =        " ",


<bibtex> @book{McClellan:1997:CBESPUM,

author = {James H. McClellan, C. Sidney Burrus, Alan V. Oppenheim, Thomas W. Parks, Schafer, Schuessler},
title = {Computer-Based Exercises for Signal Processing Using MATLAB Ver.5},
edition =      "2.ed",
year = {1997},
isbn = {0137890095},
publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ, EUA},
pages =        " ",


<bibtex> @book{Gilat:2006:MAE,

 author =       "Amos Gilat",
 title =        "Matlab com aplicações em engenharia",
 publisher =    "Bookman",
 address =      "Porto Alegre",
 edition =      "2.ed",
 pages =        "359 p",
 year =         "2006",
 ISBN =         "85-363-0692-0 ",
 ISBN-13 =      ,

} </bibtex>

<bibtex> @book{Hanselman:2003:MCC,

author = {Duane Hanselman, Bruce Littlefield},
title = {MATLAB 6: Curso completo},
year = {2003},
isbn = {85-87918-56-7},
publisher = {Prentice Hall},
address = {},
pages =        "675",


<bibtex> @book{Matsumoto:2002:MFP,

author = {Élia Yathie Matsumoto},
title = {MATLAB 6.5: Fundamentos de programação},
year = {2002},
isbn = {85-7194-920-4},
publisher = {Érica},
address = {São Paulo},
pages =        "342",


<bibtex> @Book{ thede2005practical, title = "{Practical analog and digital filter design}", author = "L.D. Thede", publisher = "Artech House",

       edition =      "2",

year = "2005", isbn = "1580539157" } </bibtex>

Professores da Unidade Curricular

Grade do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Sistemas de Telecomunicações