Mudanças entre as edições de "OpenStack com Open vSwitch e SDN - Guia de Instalação"

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Linha 316: Linha 316:
root@penny:~# cinder delete 2da4b600-33f0-4576-b0ff-e3a3e8f95161
root@penny:~# cinder delete 2da4b600-33f0-4576-b0ff-e3a3e8f95161
==== OpenStack Networking Service (codenome Neutron) ====
===== Instalando Neutron =====
apt-get install -y neutron-server
===== Configuração do sistema =====
Adiconar no arquivo /etc/sysctl.conf
Aplicar a configuração
sysctl -p
service networking restart
===== Configurando Neutron =====
É necessário editar arquivos /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini, /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini e /etc/neutron/neutron.conf de acordo com [[]]
===== Aplicando a nova configuração =====
cd /etc/init.d/; for i in $( ls neutron-* ); do sudo service $i restart; done
==== OpenStack Compute Service (codenome Nova) ====
===== Instalando Nova =====
apt-get install nova-novncproxy novnc nova-api nova-ajax-console-proxy nova-cert nova-conductor nova-consoleauth nova-doc nova-scheduler python-novaclient
===== Configurando Nova =====
É necessário editar arquivos /etc/nova/api-paste.ini e /etc/nova/nova.conf. [[]]
===== Aplicando a nova configuração =====
nova-manage db sync
cd /etc/init.d/; for i in $( ls nova-* ); do sudo service $i restart; done
===== Verificando o serviço Nova =====
nova-manage service list

Edição das 14h25min de 13 de março de 2014

Projeto em andamento com o aluno Rafael Turnes da Silveira.


Controlador da nuvem (penny)

Configuração básica

Atualizando o sistema

apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade</syntaxhighlight>

Configurando interfaces de rede - /etc/network/interfaces

auto lo iface lo inet loopback

  1. OpenStack - Rede de gerenciamento

auto p5p1 iface p5p1 inet static

  1. OpenStack - Rede de configuração

auto p5p1:0 iface p5p1:0 inet static

  1. OpenStack - IFSC

auto em1 iface em1 inet manual

       up ifconfig $IFACE up
       up ip link set $IFACE promisc on
       up ethtool -s em1 wol g
       down ip link set $IFACE promisc off
       down ifconfig $IFACE down

auto br-ex iface br-ex inet static



Instalando e configurando NTP server

sudo apt-get install -y ntp sed -i 's/server\nserver\nfudge stratum 10/g' /etc/ntp.conf service ntp restart </syntaxhighlight>

Instalando e configurando MySQL
Instalando pacotes.

Durante a instalação será pedido para inserir uma senha de root. sudo apt-get install -y python-mysqldb mysql-server</syntaxhighlight>

Mudando bind-address e aplicando a nova configuração

sed -i 's/' /etc/mysql/my.cnf service mysql restart </syntaxhighlight>

Criando banco de dados

mysql -u root -p <<EOF CREATE DATABASE nova; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>'; CREATE DATABASE cinder; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cinder.* TO 'cinder'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>'; CREATE DATABASE glance; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON glance.* TO 'glance'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>'; CREATE DATABASE keystone; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON keystone.* TO 'keystone'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>'; CREATE DATABASE neutron; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON neutron.* TO 'neutron'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EOF </syntaxhighlight>

Instalando servidor de fila de mensagem

sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server rabbitmqctl change_password guest NovaSenha </syntaxhighlight>

OpenStack Identity Service (codenome Keystone)

Instalando Keystone

sudo apt-get install -y keystone python-keystone python-keystoneclient sudo rm /var/lib/keystone/keystone.db </syntaxhighlight>

Configurando Keystone

Editar os arquivos /etc/keystone/keystone.conf de acordo com

Aplicando a nova configuração

cd /etc/init.d/; for i in $( ls keystone-* ); do sudo service $i restart; done keystone-manage db_sync </syntaxhighlight>

Criando tenants, usuários, roles, serviços e endpoints

O código abaixo é um script retirado do site e adaptado.

  1. !/bin/bash
  1. Modify these variables as needed



export OS_SERVICE_TOKEN="<tokenstring>" export OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:35357/v2.0" SERVICE_TENANT_NAME=${SERVICE_TENANT_NAME:-service}

MYSQL_USER=keystone MYSQL_DATABASE=keystone MYSQL_HOST=localhost MYSQL_PASSWORD=password


  1. Shortcut function to get a newly generated ID

function get_field() {

   while read data; do
       if [ "$1" -lt 0 ]; then
           field="\$$(($1 + 1))"
       echo "$data" | awk -F'[ \t]*\\|[ \t]*' "{print $field}"


  1. Tenants

ADMIN_TENANT=$(keystone tenant-create --name=admin | grep " id " | get_field 2)

  1. DEMO_TENANT=$(keystone tenant-create --name=demo | grep " id " | get_field 2)

SERVICE_TENANT=$(keystone tenant-create --name=$SERVICE_TENANT_NAME | grep " id " | get_field 2)

  1. Users

ADMIN_USER=$(keystone user-create --name=admin --pass="$ADMIN_PASSWORD" | grep " id " | get_field 2)

  1. DEMO_USER=$(keystone user-create --name=demo --pass="$DEMO_PASSWORD" --tenant-id=$DEMO_TENANT | grep " id " | get_field 2)

NOVA_USER=$(keystone user-create --name=nova --pass="$SERVICE_PASSWORD" --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT | grep " id " | get_field 2) GLANCE_USER=$(keystone user-create --name=glance --pass="$SERVICE_PASSWORD" --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT | grep " id " | get_field 2) NEUTRON_USER=$(keystone user-create --name=neutron --pass="$SERVICE_PASSWORD" --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT | grep " id " | get_field 2) CINDER_USER=$(keystone user-create --name=cinder --pass="$SERVICE_PASSWORD" --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT | grep " id " | get_field 2)

  1. Roles

ADMIN_ROLE=$(keystone role-create --name=admin | grep " id " | get_field 2) MEMBER_ROLE=$(keystone role-create --name=Member | grep " id " | get_field 2)

  1. Add Roles to Users in Tenants

keystone user-role-add --user-id $ADMIN_USER --role-id $ADMIN_ROLE --tenant-id $ADMIN_TENANT keystone user-role-add --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT --user-id $NOVA_USER --role-id $ADMIN_ROLE keystone user-role-add --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT --user-id $GLANCE_USER --role-id $ADMIN_ROLE keystone user-role-add --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT --user-id $NEUTRON_USER --role-id $ADMIN_ROLE keystone user-role-add --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT --user-id $CINDER_USER --role-id $ADMIN_ROLE

  1. keystone user-role-add --tenant-id $DEMO_TENANT --user-id $DEMO_USER --role-id $MEMBER_ROLE
  1. Create services

COMPUTE_SERVICE=$(keystone service-create --name nova --type compute --description 'OpenStack Compute Service' | grep " id " | get_field 2) VOLUME_SERVICE=$(keystone service-create --name cinder --type volume --description 'OpenStack Volume Service' | grep " id " | get_field 2) IMAGE_SERVICE=$(keystone service-create --name glance --type image --description 'OpenStack Image Service' | grep " id " | get_field 2) IDENTITY_SERVICE=$(keystone service-create --name keystone --type identity --description 'OpenStack Identity' | grep " id " | get_field 2) EC2_SERVICE=$(keystone service-create --name ec2 --type ec2 --description 'OpenStack EC2 service' | grep " id " | get_field 2) NETWORK_SERVICE=$(keystone service-create --name neutron --type network --description 'OpenStack Networking service' | grep " id " | get_field 2)

  1. Create endpoints

keystone endpoint-create --region $KEYSTONE_REGION --service-id $COMPUTE_SERVICE --publicurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_EXT"':8774/v2/$(tenant_id)s' --adminurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':8774/v2/$(tenant_id)s' --internalurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':8774/v2/$(tenant_id)s' keystone endpoint-create --region $KEYSTONE_REGION --service-id $VOLUME_SERVICE --publicurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_EXT"':8776/v1/$(tenant_id)s' --adminurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':8776/v1/$(tenant_id)s' --internalurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':8776/v1/$(tenant_id)s' keystone endpoint-create --region $KEYSTONE_REGION --service-id $IMAGE_SERVICE --publicurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_EXT"':9292' --adminurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':9292' --internalurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':9292' keystone endpoint-create --region $KEYSTONE_REGION --service-id $IDENTITY_SERVICE --publicurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_EXT"':5000/v2.0' --adminurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':35357/v2.0' --internalurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':5000/v2.0' keystone endpoint-create --region $KEYSTONE_REGION --service-id $EC2_SERVICE --publicurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_EXT"':8773/services/Cloud' --adminurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':8773/services/Admin' --internalurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':8773/services/Cloud' keystone endpoint-create --region $KEYSTONE_REGION --service-id $NETWORK_SERVICE --publicurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_EXT"':9696/' --adminurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':9696/' --internalurl 'http://'"$KEYSTONE_HOST_INT"':9696/' </syntaxhighlight>

Testando Keystone
Criando um arquivo de credênciais

vim os.cred </syntaxhighlight> export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin export OS_USERNAME=admin export OS_PASSWORD=<senhaAdministrador> export OS_AUTH_URL="" export OS_REGION_NAME=IFSC-SJ-01 </syntaxhighlight> source os.cred </syntaxhighlight>

Listando usuários

root@penny:~# keystone user-list +----------------------------------+---------+---------+--------------------------+ | id | name | enabled | email | +----------------------------------+---------+---------+--------------------------+ | 0bcadb16258d4552839b9c776c89ff64 | admin | True | | | 23fd34f439484b73a6eea9913ac580ad | cinder | True | | | 54ac7e04ab2540ed9ef428ed11b8fbcd | ederson | True | | | 27d928bfefb84c0baefc0b13bcdd362a | glance | True | | | 773499148c564119b5e7e64d0c71bb3d | marcos | True | | | 61d08e2259e6403ba23918d87dea404b | nova | True | | | 853266dae4f2409dbc035b1b6cd928c8 | neutron | True | | | 45a33dbb899d4c199e961302796cb1a6 | rafael | True | | +----------------------------------+---------+---------+--------------------------+ </syntaxhighlight>

Listando serviços

root@penny:~# keystone service-list +----------------------------------+----------+----------+------------------------------+ | id | name | type | description | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+------------------------------+ | c3350aeba89d47f88a1d6761cd74256b | cinder | volume | OpenStack Volume Service | | f451c35c697a45b5b5e6a5bbe280d434 | ec2 | ec2 | OpenStack EC2 service | | 4d467a606ff44050a9d8a687e1311831 | glance | image | OpenStack Image Service | | ce703fa0839e4ad68b3bf1f7b48558c3 | keystone | identity | OpenStack Identity | | 9a662cef4e8b4e5eb46e8678fd4ff8c8 | nova | compute | OpenStack Compute Service | | 82a32e1fab37445c9388dc9b5634088a | neutron | network | OpenStack Networking service | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+------------------------------+ </syntaxhighlight>

Listando roles

root@penny:~# keystone role-list +----------------------------------+----------+ | id | name | +----------------------------------+----------+ | 746be8d87850406f8eb39aa4b5e55fa3 | Member | | 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | _member_ | | acaf9716ce20467a9b82578bf4baf534 | admin | +----------------------------------+----------+ </syntaxhighlight>

Listando tenants

root@penny:~# keystone tenant-list +----------------------------------+---------+---------+ | id | name | enabled | +----------------------------------+---------+---------+ | f6dc2f9266f14b848b6e577b7024854a | IFSC | True | | 4aaa0eb1b84d4405af0384a59053ac45 | admin | True | | 68082d94500045c19e9bd40dd0b1cc7f | service | True | +----------------------------------+---------+---------+ </syntaxhighlight>

OpenStack Imagine Service (codenome Glance)

Instalando Glance

apt-get -y install glance </syntaxhighlight>

Configurando Glance

É necessário editar arquivos /etc/glance/glance-api.conf e /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf de acordo com

rm /var/lib/glance/glance.sqlite service glance-api restart && service glance-registry restart glance-manage db_sync </syntaxhighlight>

Testando Glance
Enviando uma imagem

mkdir /tmp/images cd /tmp/images/ wget "" glance image-create --is-public true --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --name "Ubuntu Server 13.10" < saucy-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img </syntaxhighlight>

Listando imagens

root@penny:~# glance image-list +--------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------+--------+ | ID | Name | Disk Format | Container Format | Size | Status | +--------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------+--------+ | 5b9b1a48-fdd0-4c72-8ab5-0ac073072b39 | Ubuntu Server 13.04 | qcow2 | bare | 236519424 | active | +--------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------+------------------+-----------+--------+ </syntaxhighlight>

OpenStack Block Storage service (codenome Cinder)

Instalando Cinder

apt-get install -y cinder-api cinder-scheduler cinder-volume iscsitarget open-iscsi iscsitarget-dkms python-cinderclient linux-headers-`uname -r` </syntaxhighlight>

Configurando Cinder

sed -i 's/false/true/g' /etc/default/iscsitarget service iscsitarget start service open-iscsi start pvcreate /dev/sda5 vgcreate cinder-volumes /dev/sda5 </syntaxhighlight>

Editando arquivos de configuração

Editar os arquivos /etc/cinder/cinder.conf e /etc/cinder/api-paste.ini de acordo com

Aplicando a nova configuração

cinder-manage db sync cd /etc/init.d/; for i in $( ls cinder-* ); do sudo service $i restart; done </syntaxhighlight>

Testando Cinder
Criando volume

root@penny:~# cinder create --display-description "Primeiro Volume" 1 +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ | attachments | [] | | availability_zone | nova | | bootable | false | | created_at | 2013-10-21T20:41:58.711368 | | display_description | Primeiro Volume | | display_name | None | | id | be57581f-70eb-4f9a-8884-57ae14d6bc60 | | metadata | {} | | size | 1 | | snapshot_id | None | | source_volid | None | | status | creating | | volume_type | None | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+


Listando volume

root@penny:~# cinder list </syntaxhighlight>

Deletando volume

root@penny:~# cinder delete 2da4b600-33f0-4576-b0ff-e3a3e8f95161 </syntaxhighlight>

OpenStack Networking Service (codenome Neutron)

Instalando Neutron

apt-get install -y neutron-server </syntaxhighlight>

Configuração do sistema

Adiconar no arquivo /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0 net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0 </syntaxhighlight> Aplicar a configuração sysctl -p service networking restart </syntaxhighlight>

Configurando Neutron

É necessário editar arquivos /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini, /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini e /etc/neutron/neutron.conf de acordo com

Aplicando a nova configuração

cd /etc/init.d/; for i in $( ls neutron-* ); do sudo service $i restart; done </syntaxhighlight>

OpenStack Compute Service (codenome Nova)

Instalando Nova

apt-get install nova-novncproxy novnc nova-api nova-ajax-console-proxy nova-cert nova-conductor nova-consoleauth nova-doc nova-scheduler python-novaclient </syntaxhighlight>

Configurando Nova

É necessário editar arquivos /etc/nova/api-paste.ini e /etc/nova/nova.conf.

Aplicando a nova configuração

nova-manage db sync cd /etc/init.d/; for i in $( ls nova-* ); do sudo service $i restart; done </syntaxhighlight>

Verificando o serviço Nova

nova-manage service list </syntaxhighlight>