Mudanças entre as edições de "IoT: Especificação e Mapeamento de QoS"

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=Artigos Possíveis=
=Artigos Possíveis=
==Técnicas de Projeto de Aplicações==
[ Technote: Smart Home – Modeling the  Internet of  Things with SysML]
[ Technote: Smart Home – Modeling the  Internet of  Things with SysML]
[,%20Stefan&rft.aucorp=& SDG-Pro: a programming framework for software-defined IoT cloud gateways]
[,%20George&rft.aucorp=& Architecting the IoT Paradigm: A Middleware for Autonomous Distributed Sensor Networks]
[,%20IEEE&rft.btitle=&rft.aulast=Yongsheng%20Ding&rft.auinit=&rft.auinit1=&rft.auinitm=&rft.ausuffix=& An Intelligent Self-Organization Scheme for the Internet of Things]
[ Near Real-Time Tracking of IoT Device Users]
==Surveys - Estado da Arte==
[ Empowering the IoT Heterogeneous Wireless Networking with Software Defined Radio]
[,%20challenges,%20and%20open%20issues%20in%20the%20integration%20of%20Internet%20of%20things%20and%20cloud%20computing&rft.jtitle=Journal%20of%20Network%20and%20Computer%20Applications&rft.btitle=&rft.aulast=D%C3%ADaz&rft.auinit=&rft.auinit1=&rft.auinitm=&rft.ausuffix=&,%20Manuel&rft.aucorp=&  State-of-the-art, challenges, and open issues in the integration of Internet of things and cloud computing ]
[ Resource aware hierarchical routing in heterogeneous wireless IoT networks ]
[,%20Julien&rft.aucorp=& A gap analysis of Internet-of-Things platforms]
[ Allocation of Heterogeneous Resources of an IoT Device to Flexible Services ]
[,%20Ibrahim&rft.aucorp=& Choices for interaction with things on Internet and underlying issues ]
[,%20George&rft.aucorp=& Architecting the IoT Paradigm: A Middleware for Autonomous Distributed Sensor Networks]
[,%20Stefan&rft.aucorp=& SDG-Pro: a programming framework for software-defined IoT cloud gateways]
[,%20IEEE&rft.btitle=&rft.aulast=Yongsheng%20Ding&rft.auinit=&rft.auinit1=&rft.auinitm=&rft.ausuffix=& An Intelligent Self-Organization Scheme for the Internet of Things]
==Surveys - Estado da Arte==
[ Near Real-Time Tracking of IoT Device Users]
[,%20challenges,%20and%20open%20issues%20in%20the%20integration%20of%20Internet%20of%20things%20and%20cloud%20computing&rft.jtitle=Journal%20of%20Network%20and%20Computer%20Applications&rft.btitle=&rft.aulast=D%C3%ADaz&rft.auinit=&rft.auinit1=&rft.auinitm=&rft.ausuffix=&,%20Manuel&rft.aucorp=&  State-of-the-art, challenges, and open issues in the integration of Internet of things and cloud computing ]
[ Empowering the IoT Heterogeneous Wireless Networking with Software Defined Radio]
[,%20Julien&rft.aucorp=& A gap analysis of Internet-of-Things platforms]
[ Resource aware hierarchical routing in heterogeneous wireless IoT networks ]
[,%20Ibrahim&rft.aucorp=& Choices for interaction with things on Internet and underlying issues ]
[ Allocation of Heterogeneous Resources of an IoT Device to Flexible Services ]

Edição das 14h27min de 2 de setembro de 2016