Estágio Mouchaud sobre Bluetooth 4.0 e 6lowpan

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Page de Corentin Mouchaud

Description du Stage

Etude sur l'implantation du protocole 6lowpan sur une communication Bluetooth 4.0 dans une cqrte nrf51 de Nordic Semiconductors.

Programme de Travail

(1) Basic study of the Nordic board including ARM Cortex 0 and Radio Module. (2 weeks)

(2) Basic study of the implementation of Bluetooth 4.0 on the Nordic board (C programming knowledgement is needed). (2 week). Note that the protocols is already implemented by Nordic.

(3) Small development (to be defined) showing the communication of a tablet with the nordic board using B4.0. Samples are provided then we do not expect problems in this phase.(2 weeks)

(4) Study of 6lowpan and the Contiki implementation. (2 weeks)

(5) Viability analyses to port Contiki on the Nordic Board ( 2 weeks)

Semaine 1 - 7/4/2014

Etape (1): Basic study of the Nordic board including ARM Cortex 0 and Radio Module.

Activité pratique motivationelle

Developer um logicielle pour controller a distance deux LEDs dans le EK nrf51. Le programme controlleur doit se executer dans un PC lié a une board nrf51 atravers dune serial/USB. Cette board doit executer un programme pour envoyer les commandes via RADIO a une board nrf51.

Semaine 2 - 14/4/2014
