Blocos Simulink com suporte HDL

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Revisão de 15h01min de 22 de setembro de 2015 por (discussão | contribs) (→‎Sources)
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Bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015 Blocos suportados MATLAB 2014 Blocos suportados MATLAB 2015
Continuous - - 0 0
Dashboard - - 0 0
Discontinuities Sim Sim 3 9
Discrete Sim Sim 12 12
Logic and Bit Operations Sim Sim 9 9
Lookup Tables Sim Sim 7 7
Math Operations Sim Sim 30 29
Model Verification Sim Sim 11 11
Model-Wide Utilities Sim Sim 2 2
Ports & Subsystems Sim Sim 9 10
Signal Attributes Sim Sim 6 6
Signal Routing Sim Sim 11 12
Sinks Sim Sim 9 9
Sources Sim Sim 6 6
User-Defined Functions Sim Sim 2 2


Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Backlash - Sim
Coulomb & Viscous Friction - Sim
Dead Zone - Sim
Dead Zone Dynamic - Sim
Hit Crossing - Sim
Quantizer - -
Rate Limiter - -
Rate Limiter Dynamic - -
Rate Relay Sim Sim
Saturation Sim Sim
Saturation Dynamic Sim Sim
Wrap To Zero - Sim


Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Delay Sim Sim
Difference - -
Discrete Derivative - -
Discrete Filter - -
Discrete Fir Filter Sim Sim
Discrete PID controller Sim Sim
Discrete PID Controller (2D0F) - -
Discrete State-Space - -
Discrete Transfer Fcn Sim Sim
Discrete Zero-Pole - -
Discrete-Time Integrator Sim Sim
Enabled Delay - -
First-Order Hold - -
Memory Sim Sim
Resettable Delay - -
Tapped Delay Sim Sim
Transfer Fcn First Order - -
Transfer Fcn Lead or Lag - -
Transer Fcn Real Zero - -
Unit Delay Sim Sim
Variable Integer Delay - -
Zero-Order Hold Sim Sim
  • Alguns blocos com suporte estão localizados em "Additional Math & Discrete" (Tanto na versão 2014, quanto na 2015). São eles:
      • Unit Delay
      • Unit Delay Enabled
      • Unit Delay Enabled Resettable
      • Unit Delay Resettable
Logic and Bit Operations

Logic and Bit Operations

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Bit Clear Sim Sim
Bit set Sim Sim
Bitwise Operator Sim Sim
Combinational logic - -
Compare to Constant Sim Sim
Compare to Zero Sim Sim
Detect Change - -
Detect Decrease - -
Detect Fall Negative - -
Detect Fall Nonpositive - -
Detect increase - -
Detect Rise Nonnegative - -
Detect Rise Positive - -
Extract Bits Sim Sim
Internal Test - -
Interval Test Dynamic - -
Logical Operator Sim Sim
Relational Operator Sim Sim
Shift Arithmetic Sim Sim
Lookup Tables

Lookup Tables

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
1-D Lookup Table Sim Sim
2-D Lookup Table Sim Sim
Cosine Sim Sim
Direct Lookup Table (n-D) Sim Sim
Interpolation Using Prelookup - -
Lookup Table Dynamic - -
n-D Lookup Table Sim Sim
Prelookup Sim Sim
Sine Sim Sim
Math Operations

Math Operations

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Abs Sim Sim
Add Sim Sim
Algebraic Constraint - -
Assignment Sim Sim
Bias Sim Sim
Complex to Magnitude-Angle - -
Complex to Real-lmag Sim Sim
Divide Sim Sim
Reciprocal Sim -
Dot Product Sim Sim
Find Nonzero Elements - -
Gain Sim Sim
Magnitude-Angle to Complex Sim Sim
Math function Sim Sim
Matrix Concatenate Sim Sim
MinMax Sim Sim
MinMax Running Resettable - -
Permute Dimensions - -
Polynomial - -
Product Sim Sim
Product of Elements Sim Sim
Real-Imag to Complex Sim Sim
Reciprocal Sqrt Sim Sim
Reshape Sim Sim
Rounding Function - -
Sign Sim Sim
Signed sqrt - -
Sine Wave Function - -
Slider Gain - -
Sqrt Sim Sim
Squeeze - -
Subtract Sim Sim
Sum Sim Sim
Sum of Elements Sim Sim
Trigonometric Function Sim Sim
Unary Minus Sim Sim
Vector Concatenate Sim Sim
Weighted Sample Time Math - -
Model Verification

Model Verification

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Vector Assertion Sim Sim
Vector Check Discrete Gradient Sim -
Vector Check Dynamic Gap Sim -
Vector Check Dynamic Lower Bound Sim -
Vector Check Dynamic Range Sim -
Vector Check Dynamic Upper Bound Sim -
Vector Check Input Resolution Sim -
Vector Check Static Gap Sim -
Vector Check Static Lower Bound Sim -
Vector Check Static Range Sim -
Vector Check Static Upper Bound Sim -
Model-Wide Utilities

Model-Wide Utilities

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Vector Block Support Table - -
Vector DockBlock Sim -
Vector Model Info Sim -
Vector Timed-Based Linearization - -
Vector Trigger-Based Linearization - -
Ports & Subsystems

Ports & Subsystems

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Configurable Subsystem - -
Atomic Subsystem Sim -
CodeReuseSubsytem - -
Enable Sim -
Enable and Triggered Subsystem - -
Enable Subsystem Sim -
For Each Subsystem - -
For Iterator Subsystem - -
Function-Call Feedback Latch - -
Function-Call Generator - -
Function-Call Split - -
Function-Call Subsystem - -
If - -
If Action Subsystem - -
In1 - -
Model Sim -
Model Variants Sim -
Out1 - -
Resettable Subsystem - -
Subsystem Sim -
Subsystem Examples - -
Switch Case - -
Switch Case Action Subsystem - -
Trigger Sim -
Triggered Subsystem Sim -
Variant Subsystem Sim -
While Iterator Subsystem - -
Signal Attributes

Signal Attributes

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Bus to Vector - -
Data Type Conversion Sim -
Data Type Conversion Inherited - -
Data Type Duplicate Sim -
Data Type Propagation Sim -
Data Type Propagation Examples - -
Data Type Scaling Strip - -
IC - -
Probe - -
Rate Transition Sim -
Signal Conversion Sim -
Signal Specification Sim -
Weighted Sample Time - -
Width - -
Signal Routing

Signal Routing

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Bus Assignment - -
Bus creator Sim -
Bus Selector Sim -
Data Store Memory - -
Data Store Read - -
Data Store Write - -
Demux Sim -
Enironment Controller - -
From Sim -
Goto Sim -
Goto Tag Visibility - -
Index Vector Sim -
Manual Switch - -
Merge - -
Multiport Switch Sim -
Mux Sim -
Selector Sim -
Switch Sim -
Vector Concatenate Sim -


Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Display Sim -
Floating Scope Sim -
Out1 Sim -
Scope Sim -
Stop Simulation Sim -
Terminator Sim -
To File Sim -
To Workspace Sim -
XY Graph Sim -


Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Band-Limited White Noise - -
Chirp Signal - -
Clock - -
Constant Sim -
Counter Free-Running Sim -
Counter Limited Sim -
Digital Clock - -
Enumerated Constant Sim -
From File - -
From Workspace - -
Ground Sim -
In1 Sim -
Pulse Generator - -
Ramp - -
Random Number - -
Repeating Sequence - -
Repeating Sequence Interpolated - -
Repeating Sequence Stair - -
Signal Builder - -
Signal Generator - -
Sine Wave - -
Step - -
Uniform Random Number - -
User-Defined Functions

User-Defined Functions

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
MATLAB Function - -
Fcn - -
Function Caller - -
Interpreted MATLAB Function - -
Level-2 MATLAB S-Function - -
MATLAB System - -
S-Function - -
S-Function Builder - -
S-Function Examples - -
Simulink Function - -