Mudanças entre as edições de "Blocos Simulink com suporte HDL"

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{{TabComparar3 | Sub-bloco |Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 | Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015}}
{{TabComparar3 | Sub-bloco |Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 | Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Bus to Vector| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Bus to Vector| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Conversion| Sim| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Conversion| Sim| Sim}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Conversion Inherited| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Conversion Inherited| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Duplicate| Sim| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Duplicate| Sim| Sim}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Propagation| Sim| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Propagation| Sim| Sim}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Propagation Examples| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Propagation Examples| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Scaling Strip| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Data Type Scaling Strip| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |IC| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |IC| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Probe| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Probe| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Rate Transition| Sim| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Rate Transition| Sim| Sim}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Signal Conversion| Sim| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Signal Conversion| Sim| Sim}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Signal Specification| Sim| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Signal Specification| Sim| Sim}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Weighted Sample Time| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Weighted Sample Time| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Width| -| -}}
{{TabComparar3linha |Width| -| -}}

Edição das 15h11min de 22 de setembro de 2015


Bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015 Blocos suportados MATLAB 2014 Blocos suportados MATLAB 2015
Continuous - - 0 0
Dashboard - - 0 0
Discontinuities Sim Sim 3 9
Discrete Sim Sim 12 12
Logic and Bit Operations Sim Sim 9 9
Lookup Tables Sim Sim 7 7
Math Operations Sim Sim 30 29
Model Verification Sim Sim 11 11
Model-Wide Utilities Sim Sim 2 2
Ports & Subsystems Sim Sim 9 10
Signal Attributes Sim Sim 6 6
Signal Routing Sim Sim 11 12
Sinks Sim Sim 9 9
Sources Sim Sim 6 6
User-Defined Functions Sim Sim 2 2


Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Backlash - Sim
Coulomb & Viscous Friction - Sim
Dead Zone - Sim
Dead Zone Dynamic - Sim
Hit Crossing - Sim
Quantizer - -
Rate Limiter - -
Rate Limiter Dynamic - -
Rate Relay Sim Sim
Saturation Sim Sim
Saturation Dynamic Sim Sim
Wrap To Zero - Sim


Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Delay Sim Sim
Difference - -
Discrete Derivative - -
Discrete Filter - -
Discrete Fir Filter Sim Sim
Discrete PID controller Sim Sim
Discrete PID Controller (2D0F) - -
Discrete State-Space - -
Discrete Transfer Fcn Sim Sim
Discrete Zero-Pole - -
Discrete-Time Integrator Sim Sim
Enabled Delay - -
First-Order Hold - -
Memory Sim Sim
Resettable Delay - -
Tapped Delay Sim Sim
Transfer Fcn First Order - -
Transfer Fcn Lead or Lag - -
Transer Fcn Real Zero - -
Unit Delay Sim Sim
Variable Integer Delay - -
Zero-Order Hold Sim Sim
  • Alguns blocos com suporte estão localizados em "Additional Math & Discrete" (Tanto na versão 2014, quanto na 2015). São eles:
      • Unit Delay
      • Unit Delay Enabled
      • Unit Delay Enabled Resettable
      • Unit Delay Resettable
Logic and Bit Operations

Logic and Bit Operations

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Bit Clear Sim Sim
Bit set Sim Sim
Bitwise Operator Sim Sim
Combinational logic - -
Compare to Constant Sim Sim
Compare to Zero Sim Sim
Detect Change - -
Detect Decrease - -
Detect Fall Negative - -
Detect Fall Nonpositive - -
Detect increase - -
Detect Rise Nonnegative - -
Detect Rise Positive - -
Extract Bits Sim Sim
Internal Test - -
Interval Test Dynamic - -
Logical Operator Sim Sim
Relational Operator Sim Sim
Shift Arithmetic Sim Sim
Lookup Tables

Lookup Tables

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
1-D Lookup Table Sim Sim
2-D Lookup Table Sim Sim
Cosine Sim Sim
Direct Lookup Table (n-D) Sim Sim
Interpolation Using Prelookup - -
Lookup Table Dynamic - -
n-D Lookup Table Sim Sim
Prelookup Sim Sim
Sine Sim Sim
Math Operations

Math Operations

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Abs Sim Sim
Add Sim Sim
Algebraic Constraint - -
Assignment Sim Sim
Bias Sim Sim
Complex to Magnitude-Angle - -
Complex to Real-lmag Sim Sim
Divide Sim Sim
Reciprocal Sim -
Dot Product Sim Sim
Find Nonzero Elements - -
Gain Sim Sim
Magnitude-Angle to Complex Sim Sim
Math function Sim Sim
Matrix Concatenate Sim Sim
MinMax Sim Sim
MinMax Running Resettable - -
Permute Dimensions - -
Polynomial - -
Product Sim Sim
Product of Elements Sim Sim
Real-Imag to Complex Sim Sim
Reciprocal Sqrt Sim Sim
Reshape Sim Sim
Rounding Function - -
Sign Sim Sim
Signed sqrt - -
Sine Wave Function - -
Slider Gain - -
Sqrt Sim Sim
Squeeze - -
Subtract Sim Sim
Sum Sim Sim
Sum of Elements Sim Sim
Trigonometric Function Sim Sim
Unary Minus Sim Sim
Vector Concatenate Sim Sim
Weighted Sample Time Math - -
Model Verification

Model Verification

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Assertion Sim Sim
Check Discrete Gradient Sim Sim
Check Dynamic Gap Sim Sim
Check Dynamic Lower Bound Sim Sim
Check Dynamic Range Sim Sim
Check Dynamic Upper Bound Sim Sim
Check Input Resolution Sim Sim
Check Static Gap Sim Sim
Check Static Lower Bound Sim Sim
Check Static Range Sim Sim
Check Static Upper Bound Sim Sim
Model-Wide Utilities

Model-Wide Utilities

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Vector Block Support Table - -
Vector DockBlock Sim Sim
Vector Model Info Sim Sim
Vector Timed-Based Linearization - -
Vector Trigger-Based Linearization - -
Ports & Subsystems

Ports & Subsystems

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Configurable Subsystem - -
Atomic Subsystem Sim Sim
CodeReuseSubsytem - -
Enable Sim Sim
Enable and Triggered Subsystem - -
Enable Subsystem Sim Sim
For Each Subsystem - -
For Iterator Subsystem - -
Function-Call Feedback Latch - -
Function-Call Generator - -
Function-Call Split - -
Function-Call Subsystem - -
If - -
If Action Subsystem - -
In1 - -
Model Sim Sim
Model Variants Sim Sim
Out1 - -
Resettable Subsystem - -
Subsystem Sim Sim
Subsystem Examples - -
Switch Case - -
Switch Case Action Subsystem - -
Trigger Sim Sim
Triggered Subsystem Sim Sim
Variant Subsystem Sim Sim
While Iterator Subsystem - -
Signal Attributes

Signal Attributes

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Bus to Vector - -
Data Type Conversion Sim Sim
Data Type Conversion Inherited - -
Data Type Duplicate Sim Sim
Data Type Propagation Sim Sim
Data Type Propagation Examples - -
Data Type Scaling Strip - -
IC - -
Probe - -
Rate Transition Sim Sim
Signal Conversion Sim Sim
Signal Specification Sim Sim
Weighted Sample Time - -
Width - -
Signal Routing

Signal Routing

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Bus Assignment - -
Bus creator Sim -
Bus Selector Sim -
Data Store Memory - -
Data Store Read - -
Data Store Write - -
Demux Sim -
Enironment Controller - -
From Sim -
Goto Sim -
Goto Tag Visibility - -
Index Vector Sim -
Manual Switch - -
Merge - -
Multiport Switch Sim -
Mux Sim -
Selector Sim -
Switch Sim -
Vector Concatenate Sim -


Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Display Sim -
Floating Scope Sim -
Out1 Sim -
Scope Sim -
Stop Simulation Sim -
Terminator Sim -
To File Sim -
To Workspace Sim -
XY Graph Sim -


Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
Band-Limited White Noise - -
Chirp Signal - -
Clock - -
Constant Sim -
Counter Free-Running Sim -
Counter Limited Sim -
Digital Clock - -
Enumerated Constant Sim -
From File - -
From Workspace - -
Ground Sim -
In1 Sim -
Pulse Generator - -
Ramp - -
Random Number - -
Repeating Sequence - -
Repeating Sequence Interpolated - -
Repeating Sequence Stair - -
Signal Builder - -
Signal Generator - -
Sine Wave - -
Step - -
Uniform Random Number - -
User-Defined Functions

User-Defined Functions

Sub-bloco Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2014 Suporte HDL Coder no MATLAB 2015
MATLAB Function Sim -
Function Caller - -
Interpreted MATLAB Function - -
Level-2 MATLAB S-Function - -
MATLAB System Sim -
S-Function - -
S-Function Builder - -
S-Function Examples - -
Simulink Function - -