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(New page: = IF-SC Palhoça Bilíngue = == Configuração do Servidor de Desenvolvimento == '''BIOS''' * Ligar o servidor ** Pressionar '''botão preto''' acima da logomarca DELL (instalado na po...)
(Sem diferença)

Edição das 12h01min de 25 de novembro de 2010

IF-SC Palhoça Bilíngue

Configuração do Servidor de Desenvolvimento


  • Ligar o servidor
    • Pressionar botão preto acima da logomarca DELL (instalado na posição vertical)
  • Teclar F12 durante a inicialização do hardware
    • Aparece mensagem F12 Boot Options no canto superior direito da tela
    • Mensagem muda para Preparing one-time boot menu... em verde
  • Tela Boot Device Menu é mostrada
    • 1ª opção ( ) vem selecionada
    • Mudar para 4ª opção: System Setup
    • Teclar <ENTER>
  • Tela gráfica Dell Inc. OptiPlex 780 mostrada
    • Menu à esquerda com item Settings (1º nível) selecionado
      • Mudar para item General (2º nível)
        • Mudar para item System Board (3º nível)
          • Nada a fazer, apenas informações para conhecimento


                                     System Information
BIOS Version              = A04
Service Tag               = HXCKQN1
Express Service Code      = 39021806557
Asset Tag                 = {none}
LOM MAC Adress            = 84-2B-2B-7A-F2-D4
Manufacture Date          = 08/25/2010
Ownership Date            = 11/12/2010
                                     Memory Information
Memory Installed          = 4 GB
Memory Speed              = 1066 MHz
Number of Active Channels = Dual Symmetric
Memory Technology         = DDR3
DIMM_1 Size               = 2 GB
DIMM_3 Size               = *** DIMM slot empty ***
DIMM_2 Size               = 2 GB
DIMM_4 Size               = *** DIMM slot empty ***
                                     Processor Information
Processor Type            = Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU    E7500 @ 2.93GHz
Processor Speed           = 2.933 GHz
Processor Bus Speed       = 1.066 GHz
Processor L2 Cache        = 3 MB
Processor Id              = 1067A
Microcode Version         = A07
Muiti Core Capable        = Yes (Dual)
HT Capable                = No
64-bit Technology         = Yes (Intel EM64T)
                                       PCI Information
SLOT1                     = PCI Bridge
SLOT2                     = {Empty}
SLOT3                     = {Empty}


        • Mudar para item Date/Time (3º nível)
          • Atualizar data e hora mudando os valores necessários (AM = antes meio-dia, PM = após meio-dia)


                       11 / 25 / 10                12 : 03 : 32  PM
                       MM   DD   AA                HH   MM   SS  A/P
This option controls the system date and time. Changes to the date and time take effect


        • Mudar para item Boot Sequence (3º nível)
          • Conferir marcação (coluna esquerda) e ordem (coluna direita) dos dispositivos


[ ] Onboard or USB Floppy Drive                   [ATA0-WDC WDC2500AAJS-75M0A0]
[V] SATA0-WDC WD2500AAJS-75M0A0                   [Onboard or USB CD-ROM Drive]
[V] Onboard or USB CD-ROM Drive                   [   LSI MPI Boot Support    ]
[ ] Onboard Network Controller
[V] LSI MPI Boot Support
This list specifies the order that the BIOS searches devices when trying to find an operanting
system to boot. To change the boot select the device to be changed in the list on the
rigth hand side, then click UP/DN arrows, or press the PgUp/PgDn keys of SHIFT-UP/DN
arrow keys to change the boot order of the device. The boot devices can also be selected or
de-selected from list using the check boxes on the left hand side. The F7 hotkey will
toggle displaying of dormant boot entries. These are entries for devices that are not present
or not applicable in the current SATA mode. Also note that reloading defaults can be used to
remove these dormant boot entries.


      • Mudar para Drives (2º nível)
        • Mudar para item Diskette Drive (3º nível)
          • Conferir marcação pois dispositivo de disquete não será usado


(o) Disable
( ) Enable
This field determines how the BIOS configures floppy drives. Operating Systems with USB
support will recognize USB floppy drives regardless of ths setting.
Disable = All floppy drives are disabled
Enable  = All floppy drives are enable
Note: The "USB Controller" setup option will affect floppy operation.


        • Mudar para item SATA Operation (3º nível)
          • Conferir marcação pois dispositivo de disquete não será usado


(o) RAID Autodetect / AHCI
( ) RAID Autodetect / ATA
( ) RAID On
( ) Legacy
This field configures the operating mode of the integrated hard drive controller.
RAID Autodetect / AHCI = RAID if signed drives, otherwise AHCI
RAID Autodetect / ATA  = RAID if signed drives, otherwise ATA
RAID On                = SATA is configured for RAID on every boot
Legacy                 = The hard drive controller is configured for legacy mode
Note the legacy mode provides for compatibility with some older operating systems that do
not support native resources assigned to the drive controller.
RAID mode is incompatible with ImageServer. Please disable RAID mode if enabling


        • Mudar para item SMART Operation (3º nível)
          • Conferir marcação pois usaremos SMART para monitorar o HD


[V] Enable Smart Reporting
This field controls whether hard drive errors for integrated drives are reported during system
setup. This technology is part of the SMART (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting
Technology) specification.


        • Mudar para item Drives (3º nível)
          • Conferir marcação pois usaremos somente interfaces SATA-0 (HD) e SATA-1 (DVD)


[V] SATA-0                                       [V] SATA-1
[ ] SATA-2                                       [ ] External SATA
These fields allow the user to enable or disable an ATA or SATA device (such as Hard Drive,
CD Drive, or DVD Drive).
Controller detais:
* Controller = Serial ATA
* Port       = SATA-0
Device details:
* Drive ID   = WDC WD2500AAJS-75M0A0
* Capacity   = 250GB
* BIOS       = This drive is controlled by the AHCI BIOS
Controller detais:
* Controller = Serial ATA
* Port       = SATA-1
Device details:
* Drive ID   = TSSTcorp DVD+/-RW TS-H653G
Controller detais:
* Controller = Serial ATA
* Port       = SATA-2
                               (External SATA)
Controller detais:
* Controller = Serial ATA
* Port       = External SATA


      • Mudar para System Configuration (2º nível)
        • Mudar para item Ingrated NIC (3º nível)
          • Conferir marcação pois dispositivo de disquete não será usado


( ) Disable
(o) Enable
( ) Enable with PXE
( ) Enable with ImageServer
This field enables and disables the integrated Network Interface Controller (NIC).
Disable                 = Integrated NIC disabled
Enable                  = Integrated NIC enabled
Enable with PXE         = Integrated NIC is on (with PXE enabled)
Enable with ImageServer = Integrated NIC is on (with ImageServer enabled)
Note: ImageServer is incompatible with RAID mode. Please disable RAID if enabling
Note: PXE is needed only if intending to boot to an operating system located on a server, not
if you are booting to an OS located on a hard drive in this system.
