Mudanças entre as edições de "Encerrado - Elaboração de plataforma para projeto de programação"

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Linha 58: Linha 58:
amounts of data. These transfers are guaranteed by the USB protocol to always
amounts of data. These transfers are guaranteed by the USB protocol to always
have enough reserved bandwidth to make it through."
have enough reserved bandwidth to make it through."
"A device interface is a collection of endpoints. For example USB speakers can have an interface for the audio data (Audio Class) and an interface for the knobs, dials and buttons (HID Class). All interfaces in a configuration are active at the same time and can be attached to by different drivers."
"A device interface is a collection of endpoints. For example USB speakers can have an interface for the audio data (Audio Class) and an interface for the knobs, dials and buttons (HID Class). All interfaces in a configuration are active at the same time and can be attached to by different drivers."

Edição das 10h28min de 23 de abril de 2013

Quarta-feira - 17/04/2013

-Tentativas de enviar sinal pra a porta através do código C da biblioteca "hidapi.h"

-Git -

-Instalei o programa VB (cedido pela Cerne) no linux(Ubuntu 12.04), através do Wine, porém ele nao funcionou como ja tinha funcionado no Windows. (Estive pensando se o problema seria no linux ou no Wine, pois talvez o wine nao ofereça a comunicaçao necessária ao programa, ou até nao sei se a instalaçao no Wine é 100% equivalente a instalaçao diretamente no Windows)

-Leitura de documentos sobre o Pic 18F2550 (18f2550.h) OBS: Fiquei com dúvida se isso pode servir nesse projeto, pois muitos falam em gravação do microcontrolador. E nao sei se a gravaçao nos interessa.

"Para que os programas em C possam ser gravados no microcontrolador via USB, é necessário compilá-los, ou seja, transformá-los em linguagem de máquina hexadecimal. 

Existem diversos compiladores que podem ser utilizados por esta ferramenta, entre eles o SDCC, o C18, o Hi-Tech e o CCS"

Sexta-feira 19/04/2013

Leituras sobre USB Links interessantes:

Segunda-feira 22/04/2013 e terça-feira

Leituras USB:

Capitulo 13 do livro "linux device drivers"

citações interessantes:

"Endpoints are the unidirectional access points for communicating with a device. They provide buffers to temporarily store incoming or outgoing data from the device."

Endpoint do tipo interrupt :"Interrupt endpoints transfer small amounts of data at a fixed rate every time the USB host asks the device for data. These endpoints are the primary transport method for USB keyboards and mice. They are also commonly used to send data to USB devices to control the device, but are not generally used to transfer large amounts of data. These transfers are guaranteed by the USB protocol to always have enough reserved bandwidth to make it through."

"A device interface is a collection of endpoints. For example USB speakers can have an interface for the audio data (Audio Class) and an interface for the knobs, dials and buttons (HID Class). All interfaces in a configuration are active at the same time and can be attached to by different drivers."

"USB interfaces are themselves bundled up into configurations [...]So to summarize, USB devices are quite complex and are made up of lots of different logical units. The relationships among these units can be simply described as follows: • Devices usually have one or more configurations. • Configurations often have one or more interfaces. • Interfaces usually have one or more settings. • Interfaces have zero or more endpoints."